Victory For The Parade of Purple

Lauren Teixeira, Editorial Editor


As the students of LHS wrapped up the final lessons before the long weekend, everyone waited in anticipation for the final results of spirit week. 

Who won the first spirit week of the year? The senior class of course!

Coming in first place three times this week for the dress up days, as well as the class’s dominance in both the powder puff football game and tug-of-war put them in the uncontested top slot. 

Geared up and ready to dominate this year’s spirit weeks, Tasha Kwatowski shares the senior class motto for the year, “We’re seniors and we’re here to go all out this year.” 

Closely behind the seniors, the sophomore class claimed second place. 

The sophomore class also performed well this week by coming in first place for Class Color Wed., second for Tye Dye Thurs., and third the rest of the week’s dress up days. Their win over the freshman class on Wed. night’s powder puff game pushed them up to second place closely behind the senior class. 

LHS sophomore, Catarina Ferreira, is pleased with her class’s performance, “I’m proud of the sophomores for not coming in last any of the days these week. We did well this week and we’ll do even better the next two spirit weeks.”

Juniors came in a disappointing third place this week with three second place showings for the dress up days, one third place, and a final, disheartening last place to finish the week.

The freshman came in an expected fourth place, although concluding the week with a surprising first place for Maroon Day. 

Overall, the participation for this week’s spirit week was fantastic, although the parade of purple prevailed.