“Blizzard Bags” incite icy response
January 8, 2018
On snowy winter mornings most students eagerly anticipate a call announcing a Snow Day. In the future, however, students may not have a day off. If the administration and faculty has its way, students will be required to complete assignments for every class from the warm comfort of their homes in the form of a “Blizzard Bag.”
The School Committee will vote on this policy on Jan. 9.
In previous years, the Snow Days extended the school year to make up for the lost days of school. Last year was extended by six days. So far this year, with three snow days already called, the school year will be extended from June 14 to June 19. The Blizzard Bags would eliminate any future snow days that need to be made up.
Each class, including Physical Education and electives, will require an assignment equivalent to a usual day’s work. Students are encouraged to email teachers, who will check their email account at least three times throughout the day, to ensure a full learning experience. Because inclement weather may affect Internet connection, students will have five days to complete the assignment, according the Principal Lisa Nemeth.
Most students, especially upperclassmen in the midst of college applications, scholarships, and regular assignments, relish in the mental health or catch-up day that a Snow Day provides.
Senior Abby Potorski thinks the Blizzard Bags add too much to students’ busy and stressful agendas. “Snow days are about relaxing, spending time sledding with friends, and catching up on school work,” she said.
In response to these concerns, Nemeth thinks students “can handle it.” With five days to complete the assignments, “they can still have their snow day, but a graded assignment must be handed in to receive credit for that day,” she says.