Juniors dominate “pink” Wednesday

October 19, 2017
The junior class finally posted a win on Wednesday during Spirit Week, when 89 percent of the class wore pink. The color pink was chosen because October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
The juniors also came in first place with the “Dress Your Teacher in Pink” contest where each class brought in an array of pink garb —, tights, scarves, tutus, wigs, glasses, gloves, shirts, etc. — and covered their teaches from head to toe.
“I’m really proud that as a class we were able to have 89 percent dressed in pink. We came together and on a day supporting breast cancer, so I couldn’t be happier,” said junior Grace Chartrand.
The senior class trailed in second with 84 percent, followed by sophomores with 80 percent and freshman in last with 75 percent.
The Cub staff calculated that the sophomore class is in first place with 11 points, followed by the juniors and senior who are tied at 10. Freshman trail with 8.
“I feel as a class we could do better. We have our strong days and our weak days. It’s just a matter if we show up,” says senior Vinny Roxo.
Today students will be repping their class colors. Spirit Week wraps up on Friday with Maroon Madness, when students are asked to wear maroon and white.