Speed bumps installed to slow down students

The second speed bump leading to the back student parking lot shows scrapes where the undercarriage of students’ cars hit the surface,
September 13, 2017
The Ludlow Police Department installed three speed bumps on Sergeant Desforge Way, leading to the back LHS parking lot, and some students have reported that the speed bumps damaged their cars.
Senior Lauren Dutton said she scraped the bottom of her car on the speed bumps. “Because my car is low, and the speed bumps are high, I have to completely stop.”
Senior Brooke Chisholm also said “my car is already damaged because it’s old, and the speed bumps add to it.”
Many students are angry that they have to leave school earlier than usual in order to get there on time. “It gets more jammed because people have to slow down,” said Dutton.
Principal Lisa Nemeth agreed with Dutton: “Yes, it definitely slows down traffic.”
Whereas Dutton feels that the speed bumps are “kind of pointless,” that’s not the case according to Nemeth. “The Police Department and bus company noticed students speeding in and out of school frequently so they were very concerned for the safety of students, along with myself being concerned,” she said.
Despite all the controversy about the speed bumps among the students, Nemeth said she hasn’t personally “heard any students complain.”