Spirit Week returns with new Battle of the Classes event

April 11, 2016
This year’s Spring Pride Week returns the week of April 11-15 and will offer a new Battle of the Classes event called the Ludlow Family Feud.
The week kicks off with “Dress for Success,” when students and faculty will wear professional clothing for the day. This will represent “Personal Pride.” Students will march to the main ramp to be counted during first period.
“I’m looking forward to Dress for Success Day the most because I love dressing up and looking really nice,” says Junior Gregory Babin.
On Monday students are asked to bring cans of non-perishable items to earn extra points for their class. Tuna and Peanut Butter will count as extra points.
“Aloha Tuesday,” kicks off the second day of Pride Week when students and faculty wear Hawaiian shirts, grass skirts, leis, and flowers. No bathing suits are allowed. This will resemble Community Pride. Students will be called down during second period to be counted.
Roar for Wednesday! Students are encouraged to wear all of their animal printed patterns representing School Pride. Students will parade in their single filed line during third period. Also on Wednesday during all three lunches there will be music playing.
Class Pride hosts on Thursday which consists of “Class Color Day,” when each grade wears their assigned class color. Seniors are green, juniors are purple, sophomores are blue, freshmen are red, and the faculty will wear black.The call down will be during periods six and seven to the main gym for the Battle of the Classes activity: Ludlow Family Feud.
Ludlow Family Feud will be held in a game show style. During period six, it will be freshmen vs. sophomores and during period seven, it will be juniors vs. seniors.
The games will consist of a variety of game shows. There will be sign ups during the week. The first round will be of the Price Is Right, meaning the students will closest to the retail value.
The first round will be the Price Is Right then Family Feud. The process will be repeated twice more. Some questions will be from the survey questions from student emails.
Friday will be the second School Pride day, when students and faculty should wear maroon and white. The call down will take place during fourth period.