The LHS Portuguese Club is back in action and is already planning all of the events for the upcoming academic year.
Just like previous years, Senhora Santos-Pontes, advisor of the club, told her new and old members at the club’s first meeting that events like Rays of Hope, São Martinho, and the dinner dance, are all set in motion and ready to be planned.
Santos-Pontes reminded the members that there will be a meeting on Sept. 17 to discuss this years Rays of Hope walk for breast cancer on Oct. 19.
“I need you all to come Wednesday after school on Sept. 17, I really want the Portuguese club to be in this years walk, I need you guys to participate and we need a team of at least 10 members to join,” she told them on the first meeting.
Like Rays of Hope, the Portuguese club has also set a date and are preparing for São Martinho. This event is a feasting celebration in Portugal, and the clubs rendition of it has been a big success each year. This time, São Martinho is going to be held on Thursday, November 6th after school from 2-3 pm. Senhora Santos-Pontes has already told members to please ask relatives if they can make something to bring in. Other than the dinner dance, which Santos-Pontes stated will be on April 10th, São Martinho is one of the top events the Portuguese club pulls off, being both teacher and member favorites.
“I am very excited for this years São Martinho, it is definitely one of my favorite events we [the club] pull off. The food is authentic and delicious,” senior and active club member Jackie Dias confessed to me.
The question that arises, however, is if the club will be more active this year. It has done zumbathon in 2013, but did not do it last year. Carnival has been unsuccessful and had to be canceled for two years in a row. A field trip for the club was never planned for last year. Things like fundraisers and club attire haven’t been discussed, and there is a possibility that the club will not be choosing representatives this year. All of these, however, can not be answered until more meetings are attended.