This year, journalism teacher Charlie Cangemi is happy to welcome the new Cub staff to the journalism scene.
“I am very excited because I believe our leadership is very strong this year. Some students are coming up from AP classes and others are returning from last year,” he said.
Leading the staff this year are returning veterans senior Alexis Gamache, editor-in-chief, senior Chloe Forrant, news editor, and sophomore Stacia Papuga, sports editor.
Although new to journalism, two seniors were appointed editorial positions based on their proven skills in writing: Jocelyn Minie, editorial editor, and Gina Orlandi, feature editor.
Orlandi said she is really excited about being an editor. Although she hasn’t taken an official journalism class before, she still has quite a bit of writing experience. This past summer she attended the Young Writers Institute at Skidmore College.
Minie is excited and didn’t expect the editor job her first year, but thinks it will be fun and exciting.
Also joining The Cub are freshman Angela Ruby, Sabrina Minic, Emily Sajdak, Emily Maio, Ben Taylor, Felicia Robare, senior Josh Charest, and juniors Shayla Costa and Zoe Vital.
The freshmen said that they are looking forward to learning about journalism and publishing articles online and in the print edition of the newspaper.
“I enjoy writing and saw this as a chance to get some writing time,” Maio said.
Robare found journalism to be in her best interest since she wishes to become a writer, although she doesn’t know exactly what she wants to write. Regardless, she sees journalism as way to accomplish her goals.
Vital took the creative writing and public speaking courses at LHS and believed that journalism would also be helpful. This past summer she attended a course at Smith College. The course was like a standard college course but geared for high school students. her experience solidified her decision to take the journalism course.
Minic, younger sibling to former Cub staffer Ernad Minic, was encouraged by her brother to take the class. But that wasn’t the only reason: “It gives me an excuse to write all the time, and I love writing, so I thought this was a good chance,” she said.
Papuga decided to rejoin The Cub knowing she would become sports editor.
Costa looks to be a professional writer some day, so the class was a natural choice.
“I want to be a journalist for fashion magazines, like Glamour, and I think it would be a good experience and I like the atmosphere” said Costa.
You can read all of the new staff’s articles on this year.