The Portuguese Club held its annual Portuguese Dinner Dance on April 8. It was held at the Gremio Lusitano at six o’clock. Club presidents, seniors Alicia Ferreira and Alexa Grelha, worked hard to get this event put together.
Local businesses also made the event possible. Local companies such as Leitao Insurance, Baltazar Construction, Dunkin’ Donuts, Gremio Lusitano, Ludlow Construction, and Luso Federal Credit Union were able to help make it happen and made generous donations to the club.
Only those taking a Portuguese class or who are in the Portuguese Club could attend. They are each permitted a guest. This year students and guests, including some faculty members and those who donated, enjoyed a nice event with delicious cultural food donations for dinner and desserts donated and made by members. While they ate they were able to enjoy music DJ’d to them by junior Mario Nascimento, who had them dancing soon after.
“We have been awarding a scholarship, sometimes two, to a senior who has been committed to the club for four years and active in Portuguese study while at LHS,” says Portuguese teacher and advisor of the club Senora Santos-Pontes.
This year three seniors were actually awarded the club’s scholarship. Seniors Alexa Grelha, Vanessa Roxo, and Alicia Ferreira all received it based on their dedication and hard work.
“Overall, I’m happy with the success of the last four years of the Portuguese Club and was glad to help plan the Dinner Dance this year and lead the club as president. I’m very grateful for the scholarship to help me as I go to Wheelock College next year,” says Ferreira.