Vanessa Medina, A&E Editor
Vanessa Medina is outgoing and creative. She loves good films, reading books and her record player with an array of records too numerous to count. Her many role models include Audrey Hepburn, Anne Frank and Amelia Earhart. Vanessa loves rainy days when she can cuddle up with her dog Callie, a cup of tea, and a good novel. She finds pleasure in the simple things in life like family, friends and a good pair of shoes. Vanessa loves writing and journalism, as well as forensics considering one or the other for a career. She hopes one day to travel to places such as Great Britain, Montana, France, and the Netherlands. Vanessa loves Northampton , going to her favorite places Faces, Go Berry, and consignment stores galore. She also loves visiting cities like Boston and New York, as well as going to Gloucester every summer, her favorite beach spot. Vanessa dances ballet, jazz, and modern, and has been dancing for 13 years. Above all she believes in making an entrance, whistling while you work, painting the town red, finding the silver lining, and living life colorfully