Samantha Godding, Editor-in-Chief
Samantha Godding is whatever you see her as, crazy, loud, outgoing, funny, athletic, sarcastic, stubborn, opinionated and possibly one of the only people who will tell you like it is. She’s also known as Sam or Sammy G. She’s a five foot gangsta from Springfield; big hoops are always hanging from her ears. Blond hair creates her blond moments, like when she thought a pack of sticky notes was gum. Sam loves to smile especially after the torturing four years of braces. Coke (the soda), caramel frappes from McDonalds, and the 99 cent Arizona iced tea from gas stations are her addictions. Eminem, Lil Wayne, and Drake blast from her iPod or her dad’s car when she drives it, but beware when she’s driving, as she’s a speedy demon. Sam has a trucker’s mouth, as “oh bastard” comes out of her mouth at least 20 times a day. Rajon Rondo and the Boston Celtics are her life (Rondo is her baby daddy along with Eminem, Pauly D., Chris Brown and a few others). Varsity softball is what she plays. Laughing makes up about 16 hours of her day. Living it up is the way Sam lives life.