The girls volleyball team faced Minnechaug Nov. 8 at 7:30 P.M. for their post-season quarter-finals game. Ludlow seated fourth in the tournament while Minnechaug was seated fifth. This would be the first time all season Ludlow played Minnechaug. The LHS gymnasium was full of spikes, sets, bumps, and double touches as it hosted the game.
Ludlow students showed their pride and support by showing up in numbers, hoping to see this undefeated team pull a victory. The gym was completely packed with both Ludlow and Minnechaug parents and adults on the entrance side and the students of LHS supporting their team from behind the benches. The game looked more like a boys soccer game not only because of the vast crowd but because of the constant cheering that is typical for soccer games in Ludlow.
The court consists of six players for each team at a time. Those who played in the sets, or games, were senior and super seven player Shannon Robitaille, junior Morgan Doherety, junior Ava Adamopoulos, junior Makayla Reynolds, junior Lauren Hodovanec, senior Ariana Quesnel, freshman Alyssa Guyon, and junior Colleen Dusel.
Dusel was the Libero, who wears the opposite colored jersey and rotates in and out constantly to play certain positions for certain players. This player does not count as one of the 18 subs the team has per game.
To win Ludlow had to win three out of five sets. In these sets the first to 25 won, yet you had to win by a two point lead or you would keep playing.
The set started off with Minnechaug scoring a quick two points and it looked as if ‘Chaug would quickly put away a victory. Doherty responded with a point for Ludlow and set the team in motion.The first set was a nail bitter all the way through with a one-point lead often alternating between the two teams. Eventually Minnechaug took the match 25-21.
The second set started with Ludlow getting a quick couple points and gaining a significant 5-1 lead. Ludlow either held a lead over ‘Chaug or was tied point wise for the whole match to eventually win 25-21.
Ludlow looked to have a positive third set scoring immediately and holding a lead the beginning of the set. Soon though ‘Chaug took a definite lead and won 25-17
The fourth set was a necessary win for Ludlow, if Minnechaug won the hopes of Ludlow advancing would be dashed. The whole gym was filled with suspense, anticipation, nerves, and Ludlow fans constantly cheering for their team.
Ludlow once again took a quick lead and it looked as if their fate would be decided by a fifth set. Chaug eventually tied Ludlow 20-20 and from there it only went downhill for Ludlow. Minnechaug would eventually end the set with a 25-21 win. This win would allow Minnechaug to move on to face either Chicopee Comprehensive or Longmeadow depending on the outcome of Wednesday’s game.
Reynolds contributed greatly with 11 assists, and so did Adamopoulos with three aces. Robitaille ended her final game of her senior season with eight kills, three aces and seven digs. Quesnel ended her last game at Ludlow with four blocks.
Dusel admits she was “disapointed about the loss [but] we played well and there’s always next year.”
Even with a disappointing post-season loss the volleyball Lady Lions played a great game and had an amazing season overall.