The recent teasing of warmer temperatures outside has most people looking forward to spring and all it has to offer. This time of year also brings Ludlow’s annual town election, which will take place on Monday, March 24, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. For Ludlow students, this means no classes will be held that day. Many elections will be held, including for three open seats on the School Committee. Two candidates are seeking re-election for a 3-year term, two candidates are running for a one year unexpired term, and one candidate is running, for the first time, for a 3-year term. That candidate, Christopher Manfredi, is running for a 3-year seat on the School Committee, and this is his first time running. I recently had the opportunity to connect with Manfredi to find out more about him and share what I have learned.
The School Committee is such an important resource for our district. It takes dedication and commitment to be an elected official. If elected, some goals that Manfredi has for the Ludlow Public Schools are as follows, “While I am sure I will have many goals/priorities once elected, there are three important ones that are at the forefront. I would like to see increased effective two-way communication between schools, parents, and the community. Parent and community involvement is a huge factor in improved student outcomes, both within the walls of the school and in our community as well. I want to ensure that the money we spend on resources, such as curriculum materials and assessments, is based on research that indicates positive outcomes for all students. I want to work with all committee members to be Ludlow’s voice at the State House, ensuring decisions made on behalf of all students in Massachusetts are the best ones for our children of Ludlow.”
When it comes to schools, Manfredi is determined to be a voice that represents the needs and concerns of the town to benefit all students. He plans to advocate for “transparency and accountability in decision-making regarding the budgetary needs of the district.” He emphasizes the importance and need to bring the community together, creating an atmosphere for students to feel supported and welcomed. “This means we are building positive relationships, celebrating diversity, actively listening to student needs, providing learning options that are accessible for all, and fostering a safe space for students.” Manfredi emphasized, “Our students deserve this.”
Manfredi credits his passion for schools to making positive impacts on the lives of every student. He shares, “There is nothing more rewarding for me than knowing years down the road I truly made an impact on the lives of many students. My passion lies in making Ludlow Public Schools a place where all students enjoy learning, parents are proud to send their children, and our community looks at our schools as a positive partner that benefits our community as a whole.”
Manfredi would like the citizens of Ludlow to know that he puts all students first with every decision he makes. “Before making any decisions, I always ask myself, ‘Does this decision benefit the students?’ I have a multi-faceted understanding of education: a teacher, an administrator, a taxpayer, and most importantly, a father.” His experiences and strengths include thirty years in education, which provide him a different lens to look at things, asking the right questions about safety, attendance, instruction, curriculum, and budget. He describes himself as a collaborator, a great listener to gain insight into different points of view, thoughtful and reasonable in actions, while taking others’ opinions into account when making important and difficult decisions. “I have strong communication skills accompanied by a positive attitude, which makes communicating with teachers, parents, administrators, businesses, community organizations, and community members easy.”
Does the Town of Ludlow need new perspectives and voices on the School Committee? Christopher Manfredi will bring his thirty years of experience in education. He can bring unique knowledge and experience to the committee, fresh ideas, and a solid understanding of the current challenges that teachers, leaders, and families face every day. “I have high expectations of all educators and expect schools to offer our children the best part of their day.”
Historically, the School Committee meetings have had low in-person attendance from the community. Every meeting is recorded by LCTV for the public to watch at their convenience. When asked if he has any plans to help engage the community to improve participation and attendance at the School Committee meetings, Manfredi shared, “There is much to celebrate in the Ludlow Public Schools. I believe that School Committee meetings are not only a time to make decisions but also a place to recognize the good things that happen in our schools every day. Extending invitations to students to showcase their work would bring more families to our meetings so they understand the extensive agenda the School Committee tackles. Highlighting teachers’, paras’, and other staff members’ accomplishments would not only encourage more educators to attend but also build staff morale. Enhancing communication with community organizations and businesses would allow them to know the decisions that are being made and how they affect the overall prosperity of our community.”
Christopher Manfredi also has a Facebook page for his campaign. There are numerous posts and testimonials from previous students and families attesting to his dedication to education and his students. It is refreshing to meet an educator who is in it for the right reasons. If you have a moment, I recommend checking out his page and reading the endearing messages that are left for him. His past students are rallying behind him, offering and showing their support. He also provided a video to the public that has been shared on local social media platforms describing himself and his qualifications.
On Sunday, March 9, Manfredi organized his first standout near the Ludlow Library. He had a large showing of support and plans to be out again on Sunday, March 16, at 10:30 a.m. If you happen to be driving by that area, please consider a gesture of support for him, even if you are deciding on another candidate. Please get out and vote on March 24th for your candidates of choice! Good luck to Mr. Manfredi and all candidates running for positions in the Town of Ludlow. Your public service is appreciated and valued.