This year the class of 2025, like every class before them, performed the senior show, a show full of amazing skits, music, and dance numbers. Following the jam-packed four hour show of the previous year must’ve been daunting, but the class of 2025 rocked it and made something truly amazing and unforgettable.
Here are some of my favorite parts.
Rapunzel’s Brother Frank
The first skit of the night was about Rapunzel’s very hairy brother Frank. Frank had long hair growing in a strange spot: his armpits. This

was a creative and hilarious skit that I truly enjoyed. The character work, performances, and armpit wigs started the show off amazingly.
Elphaba and Glinda
Caitlin Day, the excellent actor that she is, completely embodied the role of Glinda. Taking in the humor and self-obsession of the Glinda character. Ava Augusto played an amazing Elphaba, and her commitment to being green for the majority of the show was impressive.

Administrative Mean Girls
Mrs. Nemeth’s sometimes daunting and Regina George-like spirit was exemplified in Ashlyn Moquins performance; HB’s fannypack and very Gretchen Wieners vibe clearly shown through Caitlyn Day’s performance; and Mr. Mitchell’s “chill guy,” and very Karen Smith persona was impersonated amazingly by Jack Favata. The dedication to their characters was extraordinarily shown through their acting and I thought it was pure comedic genius.

I also really enjoyed the reference to mean girls which surprisingly and perfectly describes the administration at LHS in a way I didn’t expect.
Physics Class
Taylor Colbergs performance as Mr. Walsh was yet another hilarious teacher impersonation that I really enjoyed. Her impression was very funny; so funny, Mr. Walsh himself made a comment during a blackout saying, “Great job Taylor.”

Lucas Franco’s Trump Impression
I thought Lucas Franco’s Trump impression was insanely good and in my opinion, rivaled that of Alec Baldwin’s on SNL, truly cementing him as the standout star in the senior show.

The Music
All of the songs performed were positively amazing, but a fan favorite was Vincent Ribeiros performance of “My Way,” by Frank Sintara. First off, what an amazing song choice. Second, I was unaware of Ribeiro’s

talent at singing and performance and I was blown away. So was the audience, as they put up their phone flashlights while he sang.
Lucas Costas rendition of “Your Song,” was equally as great and is one of my favorite songs, so I appreciated the
preformance. Caitlyn Day and Peyton Brennan performed the song “I See the Light,” from Tangled. After hearing their melodic voices during their Mean Girls performances, I was very excited, and they did not disappoint.
Jurassic Park: The Family Saga

This skit was a fan favorite about a family of dinosaurs that had “real” feelings and expressed them hilariously. The comedic humor in it, combined with the blow-up dinosaur costumes, excellent performances, and comedic timing, solidified it as a standout skit for me.

Mrs Nemeth Cameo
During the villain’s anonymous skit, Mrs Nemeth made a cameo asking, “Am I late?” This was shocking to me, and I applaud Mrs. Nemeth for playing into the jokes made at senior show.
Gen Z Senior Center
This is something I’ve seen permeating on tik tok for a while; the whole idea of gen Z as seniors, but more specifically in a senior center. It was hilarious. From Delores Calvao’s yelling, to the hilarious use of gen z lingo, not only made me laugh, but also made me excited for the old
ages I might one day reach.

The Woodman Monologues
Yet another masterful role of Lucas Franco. The skit started with Woodman hiding in his many plants, Franco wearing a plant on top of his head to blend in. The spotlight hits him and he embodies the spirit of Mr. Woodman, telling insane and seemingly off-topic stories that his students question. As someone who has never had Mr. Woodman, but is aware of his chill vibe, I thought it was hilarious and creative.

Haunted at LHS
David Pumpkins. That’s all I have to say. Lucas Franco, Lucas Costa, and Dominic Fialho’s comedic genius strikes again with a SNL reference to David Pumpkins, who appears during a tour of haunted LHS.

I also want to highlight the hosts of act one and two. Act one hosts, Jack and Esther, had a comical banter that I enjoyed.

Act two hosts, Ariana, Ryanna, and Deondra, played the chipettes which I thought was creative and fun as well.
There were so many other amazing skits during the show, but these are just a few standouts from the show. As an avid senior show watcher, I truly believe it lived up to its name: “Greatest show,” until next year of course! 😉