Picture this: it’s Sunday afternoon, you’ve been looking around the house all weekend while doing little to no school work. A friend had been spamming your phone for the past hour and when you decide to tap open their messages—you realize there’s a creative assignment due Monday morning to present in a class.
No license, nor permit, you manage to just barely convince your parents to drive you to the closest crafting store for all the supplies you realized you don’t have and now need. Joann Fabrics, a small store located within the Big Y plaza, both parents agree that it’ll have to do.
By the time you purchase all the coloring supplies you could ever need; you think to yourself that you’re glad Ludlow has such a closeby store with a bundle of varieties in supplies for any type of project.
It’s until the next time you need to stop by Joann that you’re stopped by a relative who explains that it’s been in the process of closing down all its stores, including Ludlow’s, due to bankruptcy!
You couldn’t believe it—where are you going to get supplies now? Micheals? You better be prepared to defend yourself explaining why you need to be driven to Micheals’ closest location… West Springfield.
Joann Fabrics is a staple for crafters and students who need materials for school projects. But, after filing a second bankruptcy on January 15, they announced that all of the remaining stores will be closing.
Joann’s first filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in March 2024, but became a private company in order to be able to stay open. Now, after filing their second bankruptcy, they will officially be shutting down their stores.
When I, Arianna, heard this shocking information, I was devastated! As someone who grew up in Ludlow, I could always find myself in Joann’s—and I still do. I am also a crocheter and Joann’s is the store I go to for almost all of my supplies. Their yarn brands, specifically Big Twist, are my favorite to use for any project.
The selection Joann’s offers is incomparable to other big name craft stores in the area. From the wide variety of yarn, fabric, and all other things crafters need, it is hard to find somewhere that meets this standard.
Even Michaels, the monstrous store it is, does not provide the quantity of yarn Joann’s does. Michaels, with its endless aisles, should have a big enough selection, but they do not. Most times the shelves of yarn are not fully stocked, and the items in stock do not meet my spoiled expectations. Joann’s has treated me too well.
As for Hobby Lobby, they’re not the best store to support. They have been through several controversies, some regarding discrimination against the LGBTQ+ and Jewish communities, and an unexpected one—smuggling artifacts from Iraq. I just do not feel comfortable buying the amounts of supplies I need from them.
But why not shop online and on Amazon! Well, online shopping has most likely done some damage to Joann’s income, so why ruin it for other businesses? Secondly, again with the yarn, feeling the texture of yarn is one of the main factors in buying it; you simply cannot feel yarn while buying it online. On top of that, colors online can look completely different than they do in person. Online shopping for craft supplies will never replace in-store purchases.
As for when I, William, had heard about Joann closing down, I have to admit I had little to no care for the first couple of days. My hobbies consist of reading and writing—I haven’t touched my old art supplies outside of English projects since early first semester.
The realization eventually dawned on me when I was having trouble trying to find makeshift parts for a Halloween costume. Everything online had little to no proper images to show the measurements, nor the colors of the materials had actually matched the colors reviewers provided.
Do not get me started on the lack of “specific” materials and delivery times—I had literally only typed styrofoam balls and it gives me either completely unrelated items or styrofoam pieces that aren’t even circular! The delivery times alone were a nightmare, why do I have to have a Prime membership for it to take weeks just to show up—to just have it cost me five to ten dollars just to send it?
By then my mom had taken me to Joann’s, I honestly had forgotten it wasn’t just solely for quick crafts. I was able to actually feel the objects— see the colors and sizes. The prices were great! I ended up buying multiple sketchbooks, alongside a set of colored pencils for myself since I had been handing over old supplies to my baby brother to play with.
Arianna had pointed it out already, yet I cannot emphasize enough the literal discontent that would come with having to drive almost twenty minutes to just reach Micheals, which doesn’t provide as much content compared to Joann Fabrics.
So the dilemma—and hopelessness—begins.
Where is a loyal Joann’s shopper going to take their refuge? A store without enough options to satisfy, a company that will leave an unsavory feeling behind, or online where the buyer will be unaware of the quality.
Where will the students of LHS go to buy supplies for a creative assignment due the next morning? Will we all be making a long trip to West Springfield for Michaels, or rely on what we already have?
We know we speak for many of us when we say Joann Fabrics will be missed.
Roberta Archambault • Mar 9, 2025 at 1:40 pm
When we had severe weather warnings and people were running to buy milk and bread I was at Joannes looking for supplies for my art in case we lost power. Nothing
Like doing artwork by candle light . I’m very upset about this. I will not shop at Hobby Lobby for many reasons . They also don’t do coupons or
Any kind of savings. Joanne’s did. I won’t buy online because this is why we are losing so many stores. Goodbye Joannes. It’s been over a 30 year relationship! I feel like it’s a nasty divorce😭
Carolyn denton • Mar 9, 2025 at 9:32 am
I am mad as hell. Not only because they are closing but they won’t honor the gift cards. My family gave me 275.00 in gift cards for Christmas and my birthday. I went their and they had raised the prices and then marked it down to 40% off. Just stealing! I am not buying anything from Joanns!!!!
Denise • Mar 9, 2025 at 3:38 am
On JoAnns website it stated everything 40% off, Cardstock 10 for $3, storage 40%off, etc. Imagine my surprise after driving one way for 50 mins all the signs in the store said everything 20% off. They would not honor the prices on their website.
Penny Parham • Mar 9, 2025 at 1:24 am
When they changed owners, that was mistake – # 1. Then Covid hit, forcing everyone to go online and shop. . Fast forward a few years and at the location in my area, the shelves were empty of crafting supplies, sitting on 2-3 months of freight, no help to get it out. Reduced store hours. Stocks going from $4+ a share to $.75 a share, something had to break and unfortunately it was at the downfall of a business.
Linda • Mar 9, 2025 at 12:00 am
I love Joann’s , I bought my embroidery machine from them. They will be missed. I crochet but never bought my yarn there, because hobby lobby has the best yarn. It’s called I love this yarn. I will miss Joanns great fabric.
Theresa • Mar 8, 2025 at 11:17 pm
I hit the Salem Oregon store, thought I would find a few bargains and was substantially surprised they had signs up, but lied about the entire store having discounts. When I went to check out, I put back several items that the signage stated were marked downs but the clerk said only certain items were Marked down.
Guess I won’t be shopping there again.
Flavia • Mar 8, 2025 at 7:02 pm
I was hopping the Store will be open Only online
Karen Creason • Mar 8, 2025 at 6:58 am
JoAnn Fabric and Craft stores RIP. I have spent many happy as well as not so happy moments in this store. Mainly to buy my crafting supplies, as well as pursuing some “retail therapy”. It has always provided very good quality supplies and comfort through the years. I will miss you JoAnn!
Kerry • Mar 7, 2025 at 6:31 pm
Should have stayed with fabric n all things sewing after you took out all the other major players in the game🤦
Bindoo Desai • Mar 7, 2025 at 11:36 am
Joaan fabric store was my second home. I will miss it a lot.
Francesca D. Randolph • Mar 7, 2025 at 10:30 am
JoAnn’s will definitely be missed. I started stocking up on my yarn, paper, paint, etc. supplies back in 2020. Little did I know that my “hoarding” would be my refuge. I will miss the 60% off coupons, my rewards, the friends I made while walking in the aisles, and the friends I made with the employees. We never called each other by name, but we always recognized each other, and would have pleasant conversations. No other store in my area meets up to JoAnn’s standards when it comes to variety. They set the bar. Now, only Michael’s and Hobby Lobby. Don’t get me wrong, I shop there, as well, but JoAnn was my number one spot. I suggest folks join Facebook communities where they can have exchange programs. I might have what you need, and vice versa. JoAnn, you served us well. I hope you will take care of your employees, as well. I pray they find employment very soon. (Taps playing in the background).