It was a normal morning at LHS on Wednesday, October 25th, when out of nowhere, disaster struck. WiFi connection was cut off from every single device at school. Many teachers called the main office as soon as the problem was realized, expressing great concern about the unfortunate situation. However, many students expressed relief from the sudden debacle.
Elena Chaplin states: “I actually felt pretty good because we still did the same thing in Walsh’s. We used launchers, to like, launch projectiles across the room and measure them. He didn’t seem really affected by it, he was okay with it and we still did our normal physics stuff.” Quite the stuff right there, innit?
Kiersten Harvey exemplifies: “Uh, I like paper and stuff so it was nice, yeah.”
The incident that caused the WiFi outage was caused by a group of workers who were hired to replace the wiring for the fire alarm system. Ms. Nemeth stated that she believes they misheard the instructions, believing they were supposed to remove the fiber optic cable which is responsible for the entire school’s WiFi connection.
The workers were promptly resummoned and got to work amending their mistake free of charge, and the school WiFi has been fully operational since.
The full audio from the interview is available here