Class of 2023 Announces Senior Superlatives

Rory DiVenuto, Feature Editor

Each year, Ludlow High School seniors nominate their classmates to be recognized in the yearbook. These students receive a special spot where they are given a title, featured photo, and quote. This year’s superlative winners are as follows:


Best Dressed:

  • Shealee Cavanaugh
  • Jessica Trajvoski

Class Artist:

  • Caitlyn Authier
  • Aaron Little

Class Clown:

  • Ryan Cruz
  • Jalen Camacho

Dynamic Duo

  • Elise Lavelle and Jetta Albright

Class Musician:

  • Makayla Nelson
  • Riley Londraville

Most Spirited:

  • Olivia Guerin

Most Likely to be Famous:

  • Micheal Del Negro

Most Changed:

  • Ayanna Acasio
  • Zach Tatro

Class Athletes:

  • Matthew Mendez
  • Kaylee Lyman

Most Wanted by Admin:

  • Tyler Hickman 


Over the past week, I spoke to some of the superlative winners to see their thoughts on the recognition. Their reflections are as follows:


Jessica Trajkovski – Best Dressed

“I love fashion and I think it’s a big part of my life, and I feel as though my peers see that too. I am very happy that I got picked because not only was I hoping I was going to get it but in high school both of my parents got best dressed too.”


Aaron Little – Class Artist 

“There are certainly much more committed and skilled artists in our grade than myself but I’m thankful that my friends and classmates chose to vote for me. I don’t take art as seriously as I have in the past but I guess I still got it. It’s nice knowing that at very least I’ve left a mark at LHS.”


Elise Lavelle – Dynamic Duo

“Jetta and I met at Youth Track in 3rd grade and we’ve been best friends since. We immediately got along because we’re so alike. We’re not just best friends we’re family. My family is hers and her family is mine. We’ve both gone on family vacations with each others family, played sports together, danced together and spent more time with one another than anyone else. We get each other so well and I wouldn’t trade Jetta for anyone or anything. We’re both so lucky to have each other and share our lives with one another!”


Olivia Guerin – Most Spirited 

“I participate in literally every school event I can. It makes me happy because it means I was thought of for it and I get to have a spot in the yearbook for it so that’s a bonus.”


Michael Del Negro – Most Likely to be Famous 

“It feels good knowing my classmates view me as someone who will become famous. I try to stay humble through it all but it is a great feeling.”


Matthew Mendez – Class Athlete 

“It feels good to be picked for this superlative because sports have always been a huge part of my life, and it will be a fun memory to look back on whenever I pick up the yearbook.


Kaylee Lyman – Class Athlete 

“I think our class is very strong athletically, but being a three sport athlete definitely helps. It feels good to be picked for this superlative! It’s nice to know my classmates know about and support me within athletics!”


Tyler Hickman – Most Likely to be Wanted by Admin

“Ya it’s accurate, feels normal.”