Meet Kiley Lariviere: the Class of 2023 Vice President Elected Based on Write-ins

Rory DiVenuto, Health & Wellness Editor

Last month Ludlow High School held class elections for the 2022-2023 school year. Students had the opportunity to vote for class officers including the president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. The class of 2023 faced a difficult voting process — no one ran for the vice president position, making the election based entirely on write-ins. Kiley Lariviere, a Ludlow Highschool junior, managed to receive enough votes to take on the role. 

Lariviere originally planned to run for a class representative position in the fall, but when she learned that no one was running for vice president, she decided to ask her classmates to write her in. She began to post on social media, where the word of her running quickly spread. From there she gained support from many of her peers with her name spreading within the school.

“I am grateful that I was able to get enough peers to write me in,” said Lariviere, “I had been very optimistic since the beginning, but after seeing the support I got during the time before the election I felt very confident during this uncommon process.”

It’s needless to say that the circumstances under which Lariviere was elected were unique, however, she is planning to make the most of her role as vice president. Lariviere plans to make her senior year unforgettable. She truly understands the importance and value of each voice in the school. Lariviere plans to unify the class by making sure every voice is heard. By doing so, Lariviere hopes to make senior year a year to remember. She wants everyone to feel included and participate in class events. Lariviere only wants to change one thing about Ludlow High School: the lack of involvement from the class of 2023. She hopes to increase class involvement in school activities.

Lariviere is willing and ready to represent the class of 2023 as their senior vice president.