LHS students involved in minor bus accident

State police investigate a minor accident involving a CTEC bus on the Mass Pike early Wednesday morning.
September 28, 2017
Ludlow Students who attend the Lower Pioneer Valley Career and Technical Education Center (CTEC) were involved in a minor bus accident on Sept. 27 while traveling the Massachusetts Turnpike at approximately 8 a.m. on the way to the school.
There were 14 students on the bus from from LHS, and no injuries were reported.
Junior Frank Hunter was on the bus during the time of the accident and says that the bus was “just side clipped” and everyone on board was fine.
Hunter also stated that the accident was not caused by the bus driver but was caused by the owner of the car that hit it.
Hunter also believes the man who hit the bus ran from the scene although this is not confirmed by other sources.
Since the accident was minor , the bus was able to continue and bring the students to CTEC shortly after the accident occurred.
Photo Credit: Nick Kalesnik