Class of 2021 elects class officers
The Class of 2021 elected freshman Sara Ketchale (left) president; freshman Alora Bertini (right) will serve as vice president,
September 20, 2017
The Class of 2021 elected class officers for the upcoming year on Sept. 14. Sara Ketchel was elected president; Alora Bertini, vice president; Dyani Reyes, secretary, and Dean Rodolakis, treasurer.
‘I will attend every meeting and work hard with my fellow representatives and class advisors to make this a successful and enjoyable first year of high school for the class of 2021,” says class president Sara Ketchel.
Alora Bertini also expressed her excitement for her classes freshmen year. Bertini plans to plan “fun” and “educational” activities that most of the freshmen class will be participating in. The activities have not yet been specified.
Class social media accounts are coming soon.