Beyond the appeal

Senior boys cuddle before their second half on senior night.
October 31, 2014
As the senior boys Varsity Soccer players walked off the bus with the realization that their lifelong dreams of making playoffs were shattered, many of the players broke down into tears as their dreams came crashing down around them.The MIAA’s decision to reject the appeal turned a bad dream into a harsh reality for everyone involved, especially the senior players.
Several seniors spoke to the Cub about the experience.
Zach Frangules
“When I first heard the results of the appeal, I was stunned and speechless,” said Zach. His emotions were that of anger and sadness with the news, however, the real toll was when he realized he had only one last game with his team. “As a senior, my words of advice to the underclassmen would be to never take anything for granted, and enjoy the time that you have as a high school athlete.”
Jordan Ferris
Jordan believes that losing his opportunity at playoffs is like the death of someone you love. “This decision by the MIAA has been looming over all of us really. The reaction has been like nothing else. It’s as emotional as anything can be really. Everybody here has worked so hard to get here, its just like losing somebody in life,” said Jordan.
Brad Garete
For Brad, soccer is the most important thing in his life and having that taken away was a shock. “I didn’t want to get my hopes up but I was still in shock that we got out ruled by such a great margin, it’s like we never had a chance,” said Brad.
Nick Cordeiro
Nick’s immediate reaction to the news was anger, he hadn’t expected his senior year to end without playing in the finals. When asked about what he has learned from this experience Nick said, “I’ve learned that basically life isn’t fair and you’ll have to make what you can with the hands that you’re dealt.” Nick also explained that this incident has damaged some of his teammates’ futures.
Sam Fernandes
Sam and many of his teammates were emotionally effected and found it hard to accept that their season was over and that they couldn’t do anything to change it. “Work hard everyday at practice and to give it all you got every time you step out on the field,” said Sam to his underclassmen teammates. Sam also further explained the importance of keeping good relationships with fellow teammates and coaches. The forfeit of the games led to many arguments between the players and coaches.
David Goncalves
“I was deeply saddened, angry and frustrated.” said David when asked what his reaction was to the appeal. From the forfeit David has learned that academics should always come first. His advice for his underclassmen teammates is to win next year and show that the team can bounce back from this tragedy.
Halit Bayrak
Halit admitted that he was aggravated, but that the rejection does not affect his future. However, he sympathizes with the other teammates who see soccer in their future.
Bruno Machado
Bruno, center midfielder for the team, recounts that when he was a little boy he looked up to the senior players and admired them wholly. Now, his hopes and dreams of winning a title just like how they did, is gone. But from all of his time spent playing on the team, Machado says that, “the lessons I learned on and off the field, from teammates and coaches, have made me into a better person.” He leaves the teammates by saying that they must make the most out of everything, because once senior year hits, it’s going to fly by, and you never know what could be taken away from you.
Luis Gomes
Luis was extremely heartbroken once he heard the news that the appeal was rejected. He explained that he worked so hard over the summer to get on the team, and now it was a complete waste of his time. He also recounts that his parent’s were disappointed because they actually saw how badly their son wanted to win and how hard he worked to be on the team. “I learned that you can do everything the way you’re supposed to and it can be all taken away from you,” said Gomes. He leaves his underclassmen teammates by telling them to make sure they win everything they can and to do their best and make everyone proud.
Nick Dos Santos
Nick, like many of his teammates, has played soccer his whole life. The rejection of the appeal, he admitted, definitely affected how he looks back at his high school soccer career. He also acknowledges that hearing the news of the appeal was one of the saddest moments of his life because he was looking forward to playing. From all of his experience on the field, Dos Santos learned that anything can happen when you least expect it. “Take what happened and use it to your advantage. You’re not given titles, you earn them,” Nick advises his underclassmen teammates.
Michael Goncalves
Michael was angry and disappointed with the appeal rejection as his lifelong dream was destroyed. “Always thinking what if, or what could have been, I will move on and be successful, but always think of this incident. I’ve learned to always work your hardest and never give up. Boys, win for us seniors who never had a chance to do it. Win for this town,” said Michael.
Daniel Jalowski
Dan was looking forward to winning states his whole life and that came to an end when the team found out about the appeal rejection. “It won’t necessarily affect my future or my life but it’ll always be something I look back at and was one of my major childhood memories playing soccer. When i heard about the appeal, I was in disbelief at first, I couldn’t believe that we were going to lose our lifelong dream. I got emotional and I just found out I had one more week playing high school soccer. I’ve learned that soccer comes and goes with time, but the memories and friends I’ve made over the years will last a lot longer. I would say to my teammates to enjoy the years you have left, they’ll fly by faster than you realize.” Dan informs his teammates.
Ben Taylor, Shayla Costa and Sarah Stephenson contributed to this article.