Over 70 students at Ludlow High have signed up to do the 30-Day Challenge after students watched a TED talk in Mr. Charles Cangemi’s English class.
“I’m particularly excited about doing a challenge this time because many of my students have decided to embark on their own 30-Day journey to betterment. We’re going to track our progress on a chart in the classroom using poster board and old-school stickers,” he said.
For the month of October, students, Cangemi, and Mr. Hollington Lee have signed up to do a challenge. The idea is to add something to your life that you’ve always wanted to try for 30 days, or get rid of something, like a bad habit.
Challenges include drawing, no dairy, no fast food, writing, blogging, and more. The two most popular are exercising every day and taking a picture a day. Some students are going without sweets, swearing, and even yoga pants. All for 30 days.
“Some of these challenges are serious. One girl is trying to go 30 days without smoking. I’m rooting for her,” says Cangemi in his blog, who is doing the photo-a-day challenge.
“It’s hard to pick one photo you want to choose to represent your day,” which makes his challenge difficult to him.
Senior Alexis Gamache chose to do good deeds for this challenge.
“It’s something I wanted to do because I like helping people out and hopefully by doing this challenge I can make their day better,” said Gamache.
Freshman Felicia Robare participates with hopes to overcome her habit of chewing on her nails. “I want to stop biting my nails, so it’s a good start,” said Robare. She finds her challenge quite difficult, since she bites her nails whenever she is stressed or upset in any way.