The Ludlow High School chapter of the National Honor Society inducted 39 Juniors and 5 Seniors Wed. Feb 8 in the LHS auditorium.
The ceremony consisted of a speech by the chapter’s President senior Dalton Hastings, a speech from LHS Principal Lisa Nemeth, the presentation of all the chapter’s officers,the induction of new members, and the passing of the flame. After the ceremony there was a reception in the hallway outside the auditorium.
Junior Katrina Kobus says, “I feel completely honored and it was a great experience.”
We would like to congratulate all inducted members:
Kim Babiec
Kara Baillargeon
Christopher Barbeau
Caitlin Bernier
Rebecca Costa
Brian Crowley
Cody Dias
Katrina DiGloria
Colleen Dusel
Sophia Fernandes
Alyssa Fialho
James Garrett
Allisen Goncalves
Taylor Graffum
Tessa Grassette
Ashley Hitchcock
Chelsea Johnson
Patrick Klosek
Katrina Kobus
Kyle Kozaczka
Jacob LaPierre
Meghan LaPointe
Maggie Lau
Alison Leecock
Stephanie McVeigh
Lindsey Paradis
Jessica Pashko
Disha Patel
Xavier Pereira
Michelle Pires
Jonathan Royce
Shauna Santos-Dempsey
Aneta Sucharski
Aryelle Teixeira
Deaven Theriault
Abigail Walczak
Melissa Wojicki
Sukru Yildrim
Jake Zina
Johnathan Bachta
Edward Bachta
Mackenzie Foye
Jacob LeBlanc
Kristen Oliviera