Principal Lisa Nemeth has recently confirmed rumors that she is open to the idea of students using cell phones during lunch and DLTs.
“I have no problems with cell phones,” Nemeth told The Cub. “It’s a good way to prepare students for college and careers by using technology in society.”
However, she said that we won’t see this change unless the student body does something about it. Nemeth wants to see a proposal put together by Student Council that presents how the school climate will be improved by the usage of cell phones.
Senior Vice President Emily Assarian stated that she’d “take the idea to student council and propose the pros and cons.”
Assarian also made it clear that this movement can’t be started until a student proposes it to Student Council.
Students support the idea of cell phone use in school.
Junior Sarah Ferriera said, ” There’s no reason why we shouldn’t [be able to use our phones]. With a smart phone we can use the Internet to help us with our school work.”
According to Mrs. Nemeth, there are schools around the country that even use cell phones during class time. There are ways to use cell phones to interact with other technology devices such as a smart board.
Senior Nick Pevato takes into account the ability to “check the weather for the big game, use a calculator, or look up how to spell something. In today’s world, technology is in our everyday life.”
Most students told the Cub that the pros of cell phone use outweigh the cons.
“It’s always a pain to use the office phone to contact my parents,” says junior Nick Forzano.