Ludlow High School band students departed May 19 at 6 A.M. for a 10-hour bus ride to Cleveland, Ohio, for a competition at Perkins High School at a whirlwind sightseeing trip.
“We’ve been planning this trip for about a year, and around 45 band members and chaperones are going,” explains sophomore Kim Babiac.
The cost of the trip for each student was $500 plus expenses.
In addition to their competition, they will visit the Cleveland Orchestra and attend an instrumental clinic. Students are also very excited to visit the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame museum.
Additionally, the band will take a dance cruise and visit Cedar Point Amusement Park — “the roller coaster capital of the world.”
The band will depart from Cleveland May 22 at 9:30 A.M. and will arrive back in Ludlow that night.