On the last day before February break, a small get together within the third lunch cafeteria had occurred, celebrating the life of Puyi. A plastic baby that had been used to resemble an Ancient Chinese emperor for one of Mr. Bly’s history projects.
A plastic baby that myself and a couple of friends of mine are incredibly familiar with. Whether it was hiding him on Bly’s chair or shoved behind his projector screen beside his monitor, Bly had always taken the effort to search and find it before the first period, my period, had started.
The shenanigans had come to a swift end when Bly had found Puyi poking from the ceiling. Understandable of course, as he had mentioned the risk of potential chemicals…or dead rats.
Sophomore Selena Yusuf had been lucky enough to retrieve Puyi from Mr. Bly before the doll had been tossed into the bin entirely, which obviously led both Sophomore Alannah Saloio and I to think of a makeshift funeral for Puyi.
Something simple, something quick, something…that was awkwardly arranged and planned out during gym class on a Monday afternoon.
The event had been a simple, almost reception-like party, where a playlist consisting of Ancient Chinese music had been blasting from my phone while an aged black Nike bag had been used as a replacement for Puyi’s casket. I had written a speech for myself to give as the honorary priest of the funeral, as the assumed priest had stepped down last minute:
“I would like to thank all of you for attending Puyi’s funeral today. It means so much to all of us. And I know, if he wasn’t banned from Bly’s – even though he’s physically in front of us – he would be so happy to see you all here today!
You know, Puyi may be a baby doll, but to many of us, he represents so much more than just a toy. He embodied the history and the spirit of Emperor Puyi of China, a symbol of a time that has long passed but still holds a place in our hearts. Even though he didn’t live a traditional life, he certainly left an imprint on ours. Whether we’re reminiscing about his multiple hiding spots in Bly’s classroom, the way his little cape fluttered, or simply how his small eyes seemed to hold the wisdom of centuries, he has brought us joy, humor, and reflection.
In a world that moves so quickly, it’s easy to forget the value of the things that truly matter—connection, memory, and the impact we leave behind. Puyi, in his own small way, helped remind us of that. Thank you again for being here today to honor his memory.”
If the obvious wasn’t apparent…I get that. I admit the planning had probably gone overboard. As at some point sophomore Caitlyn Peczka had invited multiple juniors to attend, and to even give up candy roses to Puyi’s memorial.
Sophomore Liberty Carlson had assisted the process by opening the Nike bag which let me place Puyi inside, zipping up the bag until multiple guests: Marcus Goncalves, Selena Yusuf, and less than familiar sophomore faces had asked to see Puyi inside and outside of the “casket”.
The following individuals, Mr. Bly, Selena and Alannah had been given a series of questions surrounding Puyi throughout this week:
“What’s your opinion on Puyi?”
BLY : He was the last emperor of China, super good movie.
He mistook the question in the sense we meant the Puyi that the doll was based off on before he had corrected himself
BLY : Good presentation, fun for a while.
SOPHOMORE ALANNAH SALOIO : I love Puyi! He was just a chill guy who had underestimated the wrath of Mr. Bly…
SOPHOMORE SELENA YUSUF : He was one of the most…how do I even put this into words… he was a sentimental piece who cannot be forgotten. His presence brings a light to the atmosphere of a room and I was honestly glad he was present in the class.
“Do you think Puyi has a chance of returning to class anytime after the funeral?”
BLY : Puyi already had a funeral, I don’t how respectful that would be if he came back. He was scaring a lot of children…
No, Mr. Bly had not clarified what children he was talking about when asked…
SOPHOMORE ALANNAH SALOIO : I hope so! I love Puyi, the class feels incomplete without him.
SOPHOMORE SELENA YUSUF : I don’t think so…but I hope so! I think another version of Puyi will happen since there’s going to be more Bly projects soon, but I don’t think he’ll return sadly.
“What was your favorite hiding spot you found Puyi in?”
BLY : Definitely not the refrigerator or poking out from the ceiling…
Mr. Bly continued with the question while referencing a popular brand.
BLY : Instead of Elf on the Shelf, what about Emperor on the Easel?
You can’t say he isn’t creative, right?
SOPHOMORE ALANNAH SALOIO : My favorite spot was either the fridge or “guillotine”.
The “guillotine” Alannah is referencing was the familiar wooden stand Bly tends to push back and forth during lengthy note and topic discussions. Specifically between the top of the stand and between the slab that holds the legs and top together– making a pretend guillotine!
SOPHOMORE SELENA YUSUF : It was one hundred percent the spot we first put him in. I was like: “Oh my god, Puyi looks super sad and lonely on Bly’s table below all the phone holders.” The first spot was on the American flag where he was on top of the pole because it was just…amazing… he was having a grand ol’ time! It was when everyone noticed him because of where I put the beautiful figure, Puyi. It just changed the trajectory of the class for the better.
Mr. Bly was provided two personalized questions that neither Selena nor Alannah was given to answer.
“Do you think you would have connected with certain students the way you have without Puyi?”
BLY : No… I don’t think I would have.
“How did you feel seeing that it was “Puyi” sending a singing Valentine?”
It was very amusing. My heart felt full of love…
I wasn’t able to take the answer seriously, and it seemed the group that had followed along with me to interview him couldn’t either when we heard his second remark. I honestly summed it up by colliding with an inside joke with the word “Heartwarming.”
Both Selena and Alannah were given their own personalized question, similar to Bly’s, and had given varied answers.
“Do you think you would have connected with Mr. Bly the way you have without Puyi?”
SOPHOMORE ALANNAH SALOIO : I don’t know, I think me and Selena’s antics in class suffice enough- but Puyi definitely contributed.
SOPHOMORE SELENA YUSUF : I would have never connected with Bly like I did. It was because of Puyi that we have become tight, it was because of Puyi that Bly is very…weary… of my decisions and likes to second guess my actions while giving me weird looks in class when I do silly things.
Multiple photos of the funeral are provided below, taken by yours truly, for those who were unable to make it. Whether it was by poor luck of having an entirely different lunch, or the lack of leftover bathroom passes; we were glad that a comfortable amount of people had attended Puyi’s funeral celebration.