A new singing show, “The Voice,” came into competition with “American Idol” when it premiered on NBC April 26. Based on the international sensation, “The Voice of Holland,” this new reality show is attempting to steal the spotlight from Idol.
Unlike other singing competitions, The Voice’s judges — Christina Aguilera, Cee Lo Green, Maroon 5’s Adam Levine, and Blake Shelton — sit with their backs to the singers for the first round of the competition from which 32 performers will be picked. With their backs turned, the judges can truely concentrate on the performers voice and not be swayed by how the performer looks or acts.
Also, unlike other shows, the judges are more like coaches. Each coach chooses eight performers for his or her “team.” They choose the singers for their team by pushing a button while the performer is singing. After pushing the button they are turned around to see for the first time who they chose. If more than one coach presses a button the singer gets to choose whose team they’d like to join.
Even though the performers are the ones viewers should be focused on, the coaches often steal the show when battling for the singers they want. The slander, jokes, and talking over one another make it very enjoyable to watch.
After the coaches work with their pupils, the second round of the show commences. Here, the coaches choose two artists on their team to sing the same song and then the coach will pick the best one. The loser goes home.
This leaves four contestants on each team to compete in the third round. Here the singers advance to live stage shows where they all compete against each other for America’s votes. Each week, America will save one contestant from each team and the coach will send one home until there is one performer on each team. The final four then compete and America will vote for the next big voice in the industry. The winner will get a recording contract and $100,000.
All in all, “The Voice” brings great new ideas to the foundation of a singing competition — coaches who are currently some of the biggest names in the business, and the idea that the voice is what counts, not the image.
The Voice airs Tuesdays on NBC at 9 p.m.